freyja covariants
Finds mutations co-occurring on the same read pair in BAM_FILE between MIN_SITE and MAX_SITE
freyja covariants [OPTIONS] INPUT_BAM [MIN_SITE] [MAX_SITE]
- --output <output>
path to save co-occurring mutations
- Default:
- --ref-genome <ref_genome>
- Default:
- --annot <annot>
path to gff file corresponding to reference genome. If included, outputs amino acid mutations in addition to nucleotide mutations.
- --min_quality <min_quality>
minimum quality for a base to be considered
- Default:
- --min_count <min_count>
minimum count for a set of mutations to be saved
- Default:
- --spans_region
if included, consider only reads that span the region defined by (min_site, max_site)
- Default:
- --sort_by <sort_by>
method by which to sort covariants patterns. Set to “count” or “freq” to sort patterns by count or frequency (in descending order). Set to “site” to sort patterns by start site (n ascending order).
- Default:
- --threads <threads>
number of parallet processes to use. Recommended for large BAM files.
- Default:
Required argument
Optional argument
Optional argument
Example Usage:
In many cases, it can be useful to study covariant mutations
(i.e. mutations co-occurring on the same read pair). This outputs to a tsv file that includes the mutations present in each
set of covariants, their absolute counts (the number of read pairs with
the mutations), their coverage ranges (the minimum and maximum position
for read-pairs with the mutations), their “maximum” counts (the number
of read pairs that span the positions in the mutations), and their
frequencies (the absolute count divided by the maximum count). Should
the user wish to only consider read pairs that span the entire genomic
region defined by (min_site, max_site), they may include the
flag. By default, the covariant patterns are sorted
in descending order by count, however they can also be sorted in
descending order by frequency by setting the --sort_by
option to
“freq”, or sorted sequentially by mutation site by setting the
option to “site”. The --ref-genome
argument defaults
to freyja/data/NC_045512_Hu-1.fasta
. If you are using a different
build to perfrom alignment, it is important to pass that file in to
instead. Optionally, a gff file
(e.g. freyja/data/NC_045512_Hu-1.gff
) may be included via the
option to output amino acid mutations alongside
nucleotide mutations. Inclusion thresholds for read-mapping quality and
the number of observed instances of a set of covariants can be set using
and --min_count